
Community & Business

27 March, 2025

Dump it for a discount

MAREEBA Shire residents can take their green waste to local transfer stations in early April and dispose of it for a discount price.

Dump it for a discount - feature photo

Council is providing the discount green waste days for domestic green waste only at:

·       Chillagoe Transfer Station on Thursday 3 April and Saturday 5 April

·       Mutchilba Transfer Station on Wednesday 2 April and Saturday 5 April

·       Mt Carbine Transfer Station on Thursday 3 April and Sunday 6 April

·       Mareeba, Kuranda, Dimbulah and Julatten Transfer Stations on Saturday 5 April and Tuesday 8 April, and

·       Almaden, Irvinebank and Mt Molloy Transfer Stations on Saturday 5 April and Tuesday 8 April.

For more information, visit council’s website or call the Customer Service Centre on 1300 308 461.


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